V. D. Shadar

About V. D. Shadar

We Sirians are a member of the Galactic Federation and support the current efforts for the awakening of humanity.

Unlike other star races, we do not participate in military actions, but promote heart-centered spiritual growth. We are willing to share our knowledge of quantum healing and regeneration technology with our Earth brothers and sisters, as well as collaborate on effective protection against astral manipulation with sacred beings of the 17th density and beyond.
There are not many incarnated Sirians on Gaia (even though DNA parts are anchored in many people) and very few appear publicly.
We are the ones who guide through the Dark Night of the Soul to be reborn in the Light of Truth.

Shadar is a professionally trained therapist & healer. You can turn to her with confidence with all your questions about your own path home.
She focusses on her work as a messenger and in her work on awareness development/expansion and memory.
For this, she uses a wide range of supportive tools, such as hypnotherapy & reincarnation therapy, systemic family constellations including ancestral lineage healing, existential analysis, the magic of words and sounds (sound healing), as well as subtle energy work (quantum healing, Reiki, etc.) & shamanic elements. Shadar also offers clearings (neutralization/removal of obsessions and implants, release of contracts and vows).

She teaches the use of the 13 Galactic Symbols of Creator Forces, which are closely linked to the activation of the 12-strand DNA helix and genetically anchored wake-up calls & memory codes.

Language: English, German, Italian

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